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Get Access To All of Our Loft Management Templates Today

Claim Your Discount Now!

This offer expires once this page is closed, click the button to claim your one-time-offer discount now and get our loft management templates and bonus calendar set (a $44 total value) for only $12 today.

Special one-time-offer for you

Get all 10 of our Loft Management Templates Today for Only $27 $12

This package normally sells for $27 but as a thank you for joining today we wanted to give you a very special one-time-offer and give you full access to all 10 of our loft management templates right now for over 50% off.

Here's what's included...

Breeding Record Template
Race Team Roster Template
Nest Card Template
Pedigree Template
Race Record Template
Training Session Template
Wall Chart Template
Young Bird Record Template
Old Bird Record Template
Pigeon Evaluation Template

FREE Bonus

Year in the Loft Calendar Set

As a special bonus for claiming this discount now we would like to give you our Loft Management Calendar set as well. We normally sell this calendar set for $17 but you will get full access to all 3 calendars for free when you take advantage of this special one-time-offer today. These calendars were designed to walk you through an entire year in the sport and give you the key steps to take throughout the year.

Here's what's included...

Year in the Loft Calendar
Natural System Calendar
Widowhood System Calendar

Claim Your Discount Now!

This offer expires once this page is closed, click the button to claim your one-time-offer discount now and get our loft management templates and bonus calendar set (a $44 total value) for only $12 today.

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