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"A Year in the Loft" Guide

Regular Price $47 - GET IT today for only $27!

Complete Step-By-Step Guide Takes the Guesswork Out of Pigeon Racing!

Attention Pigeon Fancier: if you are having trouble fine tuning your loft and getting your race team to function at peak performance then this resource may become the most important tool in your arsenal.

Read this entire page to learn more about how it can help you
win more races and ignite your birds racing performance.


If you don’t want to spend all of your time trying to “guess” what the next step is when it comes to managing your loft and birds then this guide is the answer you have been looking for.

The 3 UGLY TRUTHS why most pigeon fancier's struggle to win races...

UGLY TRUTH #1: The “Winners” guard their secrets like their lives depend on it!

You don’t have to be in the sport for much time to realize that the champion and winning flyers guard their techniques and strategies like their success depends on it.

And to be brutally honest with you… I don’t really blame them.

It takes some winning fanciers a
LIFETIME of trial and error and thousands of dollars over the years to “fine-tune” their winning racing systems so to just hand over all that hard work, knowledge and expertise and years of dedication to someone who will end up becoming their competition simply doesn’t make sense.

And because of this unwillingness to pass down knowledge, fanciers are required to devote lifetimes to figuring it out for themselves.

And unfortunately because of this the sport has taken a hit and has taken a drastic decline because most fanciers simply don’t have the time or resources to immerse themselves in the sport and learn all the ins and outs when the challenge of their day to day lives competes with it.

That brings us to Ugly Truth #2.

UGLY TRUTH #2: Fanciers often have trouble getting their loft and birds in peak condition.

Because of the details that we explained in Ugly Truth #1 Most fanciers have massive trouble getting their lofts and birds to function at peak levels but not only that they have trouble even seeing any success at all.

This results in….

Tons of wasted time!
Tons of wasted money!
And ongoing and growing frustration and anger!

Maybe you know exactly what I’m talking about here (especially the wasted money part).

So what usually happens next?

Fanciers simply get rid of their birds and quit the sport altogether and because of this the numbers of pigeon fanciers decline and the sport as a whole gets closer to vanishing totally each and every year.

This is because of Ugly Truth #3...

UGLY TRUTH #3: most fanciers simply don't know what to do next!

This all happens because fanciers simply don’t know what to do next.

I liken it to this...

Imagine taking 100 different cars apart all the way down to the nuts and bolts, mixing all 300,000+ parts together (A typical car has about 30,000 parts) and throwing them all into one giant pile.

You are not a trained mechanic and your task is to put one of the cars back together again from scratch using the parts in the pile, oh, and all without any blueprints or guides to do so.

Of course it’s doable but do you know how much time, resources and energy it would take to sort through the hundreds of thousands of parts and rebuild one of the cars from scratch? And to be honest, for most untrained people that task is practically impossible.

Well, that’s exactly what trying to win at pigeon racing feels like sometimes without being trained or having any guidance whatsoever.

I’m sure you agree, maybe even experienced or are experiencing it yourself right now.


You don’t need to spend a lifetime of trial and error and thousands of dollars each and every year trying to learn and guess your way to developing a winning racing loft for yourself.

You can use the resource that we have created for you today to fast track your success and start getting the results you want from your loft and birds starting today!


A Year In the Loft

A Step-by-Step, Month-to-Month guide, specially designed for pigeon fanciers of any experience level.

If you don’t want to waste years of your life, thousands of your own dollars and years of frustration, but you still want to fast-track your success and develop a winning racing loft and birds then this system is exactly what you have been looking for.

Even a brand new flyer with absolutely no experience can follow this system and easy to follow steps to ignite their results.


The Year in the Loft Guide is a step-by-step pigeon racing guide that takes you from month-to-month inside a winning racing loft and shows you exactly what to do and when to do it each and every month throughout a year.

You will learn how to get and keep your birds in super health and peak physical condition throughout the year..
You will learn how to supplement your team's health and manage disease and keep your loft in optimal condition each month.
You will learn how to train and condition your race team to fly and respond at lightning speed and keep them motivated through the year.
You will learn how to properly manage a race winning loft and learn exactly what to do each month of the year
You will learn how to pair and keep your breeders and develop your own bloodline of race winning pigeons.
You will learn how to develop your young birds into champion flyers and how to get your old birds racing in top condition.
You will learn proper weaning, training and conditioning, racing systems, healthcare programs, motivation and everything you need to develop a winning racing microcosm of your own.
And much more!

And that’s only the very tip of the iceberg! You will learn everything you need to know (too much to list here) to be successful in this sport, all laid out in an easy to follow and understand month-to-month guide.

REMEMBER: This is your SHORTCUT and will most likely become your most important tool in your racing arsenal!


So, what value would you put on having a step-by-step, month-to-month guide that you can follow through the year?

What value would you put on not having to invest years upon years of your life to try and learn everything yourself?
What value would you put on not having to endure the years of frustration and anger trying to get it right?
What value would you put on to save you thousands upon thousands of dollars that you would have to spend to “guess” your way through?

Be Honest, if I said you can literally have a complete winning step-by-step pigeon racing system simply handed to you that you can follow each and every month that would allow you to fast track your success and develop a winning racing loft and champion pigeons for $1,000 it would be totally worth it right?

Most fanciers spend between $2k and $5k and some even more in their very first year in the sport and still get losing results.

How much is the years upon years of trial and error worth to you?

$1,000 to save years of your life and thousands of your own money just to “hopefully” get results.

Your time and money is worth way more than $1k so it would be 100% worth it to invest that much to jump the line and
instantly begin competing with the champions of our sport and in most cases…


There is only a simple series of action and knowledge that is separating you right now from being able to do so. From being able to become one of the champions in the sport that many people strive to be one day.

But don’t worry because you WON'T have to invest anywhere near $1,000 to do so, but if you did I think we both agree it would still be worth it.

Being that you are reading this letter today, you can grab a digital copy of the Year in the Loft step-by-step, month-to-month pigeon racing guide for only $47 $27

Buy now you know how valuable this resources can be for you,

And you also know that the tiny investment of $47 $27 to get it is an absolute no-brainer offer.

So if you’re ready to get started right now and break-through the pigeon racing barriers without spending years of your life and thousands of your own dollars to do so then go ahead and click the button below to get access to this AMAZING guide right now!

The Year in the Loft Guide is IDEAL for fanciers…

Who know they have to take massive action to get results.
Who are ready to use the shortcuts inside to get results faster (but still know they have to take action!)
Who are serious about the sport and being a competitive force within it.
Who understand the value of being able to skip the years of trial and error and guesswork and get right to work mastering their craft of racing pigeons competitively.

Regular Price $47 - Add to your order today for only $27!


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